Top 10 Twitter Tips for Nonprofits

This week, I had the pleasure to share my top Twitter strategies and results of the online campaign #WorkToEquality with nonprofits at the Vrijwilligers Centrale Amsterdam. I am compiling this list based on questions from the audience. This post is Continue reading Top 10 Twitter Tips for Nonprofits

How to Launch and Manage your Nonprofit Website

During my mentoring sessions with mentees from the Mentoring Women in Business Platform of Cherie Blair Foundation, we often get asked about launching a new website. Here is a guideline to go about it: The main things you need for Continue reading How to Launch and Manage your Nonprofit Website

How Nonprofits Can Fundraise Online by Creating Powerful Content

Lessons from cute baby-bathing (semi-viral) videos: There is no doubt what the power of an image can do when it comes to promoting your nonprofit/charity organisation’s work and fundraising for your cause. There is a lot of research available on Continue reading How Nonprofits Can Fundraise Online by Creating Powerful Content